Project's Planning

Design Issues & Treatment

Design Issues: Orang Asli community is actually rich in knowledge but they are having trouble in voicing their knowledge because of all the issues and pressures that are pushing on them. Orang Asli also have less opportunity in gaining or achieving something and non-orang Asli have a very different perspective on Orang Asli.

Treatment: We have to struggle with all our knowledge to give the Orang Asli more chance to speak up, saying what's in their heart, giving views and opinion and ideas and finally enabling the Orang Asli through critical thinking not to easily accept what is bestowed upon them. By designing and developing an interactive information design application on Orang Asli, it will be provided and exposed to those people who want to listen to them, to understand them, learn with them and support them.

Target Audience

Adults: Age of 18 and above

Mind Maps

Mindmap on Orang Asli Settlement in Malaysia

Mindmap on Jahai

Mindmap on Temiar

Application's Flow & Navigation

Gantt Chart & Timeline

Research & Data Planning
  • Questionnaires: a popular means of collecting data, but are difficult to design and often require many rewrites before an acceptable questionnaire is produced.
  • Interviews: a technique that is primarily used to gain an understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations for people’s attitudes, preferences or behaviour.
  • Observation: involves recording the behavioural patterns of people, objects and events in a systematic manner.
  • Portfolios: recording information about how each problem arose, methods used to solve it, and difficulties encountered. it records everything in sufficient detail to analyse. It is very time-consuming.



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